The Origins of Information: Exploring and Explaining Biological Information
Steven Myer.
In the 21st century, the information age has finally come to biology. We now know that biology at its root is comprised of information rich systems, such as the complex digital code encoded in DNA. Groundbreaking discoveries of the past decade are revealing the information bearing properties of biological systems.
Philosopher of science Dr. Stephen C. Meyer is examining and explaining the amazing depth of digital technology found in each and every living cell, such as nested coding, digital processing, distributive retrieval and storage systems, and genomic operating systems.
Meyer is developing a more fundamental argument for intelligent design that is based not on a single feature like the bacterial flagellum, but rather on a pervasive feature of all living systems. Alongside matter and energy, Dr. Meyer shows that there is a third fundamental entity in the universe needed for life: information.
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What to Blog about?
What to blog about may be difficult for some if they have no passion for life. There is real abundant life samples in the natural environment, to see the life in the natural environment requires act of the will, effort to get off the back side, turn off the TV, and take steps to relocate your physical being away from the four walls of your home that you may living inside, and somehow tune into the natural humans instincts to seek out a natural environment where there are no human constructions to be seen or heard. It is in the natural environment that the natural life can be discovered as it is in the natural setting.
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